ialah orang-orang yang menyampaikan syariat Allah serta mereka takut melanggar perintahNya, dan mereka pula tidak takut kepada sesiapa pun melainkan kepada Allah (Ahzab 33:39) target="_blank"

Friday, August 5, 2011

Surah/ayat : Maryam bakal melahirkan Nabi Isa a.s

malam ni surah [ayat] berkenaan Maryam bakal melahirkan Nabi Isa a.s [JESUS]...

cerita pada rakan2 beragama Kristian. Islam menghormati JESUS sebagai Nabi dan pejuang menentang kezaliman pemerintah.

Jesus never claimed to be the SON of God.

but he is the messenger of God. there is no god but ALLAH.

Mary is the mother of Jesus. [Maryam] immaculate woman.

Jesus also told his followers that there will be the last Prophet, his name is AHMAD (PARACLETE).

good Christians should open their mind and accept this divine revelation.

ISLAM is the Truth.

Muslims are more knowledgeable about Jesus a.s. and his companions,

Muslims Revere (respect) Jesus as ordinary human (he never taught Trinity / claimed to be son of God).

anak2 kita yg belajar English pun MESTI kenal dan tahu hal Nabi Isa a.s (disebut Jesus). nama2 Nabi, dlm sebutan English. mesti tahu nak cerita yg benar. jangan depa terpengaruh dgn dakyah kuffar

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